Monday, November 3, 2008


I got tagged by Tricia! (I should kick you. You're about 3 feet away)..........
The rules are:
* Link to the person who tagged you (Tricia-licious.
*Post the rules on your blog
*Write six random things/unspectacular quirks about yourself
* Tag six people at the end of your post and link to them
* Let each person you have tagged know by leaving a comment on their blog
* Let the tagger know when your entry is posted

Okay, here goes:

1. I am really weird about things matching. Everything in my wardrobe for the day (including under-things) has to match. While I'm teaching I usually use a marker that matches what I'm wearing. I pick out colored paper to copy assignments based on what I'm wearing. I change up my purse every day to match. I used to pick my lotion based on what I'm wearing but luckily I'm not THAT crazy anymore.

2. I can't NOT finish a book. Even if I hate it, I can't leave it until its done. I'm reading a book right now that totally sucks and I'm really sick of it but I can't put it down. I read tons of books but I can't stop until they're done no matter how lame they are.

3. I sing like a maniac in my car. At the top of my lungs. And I dance. But I only do this when I'm alone and people in the cars next to me get a really good show.

4. If something gets stuck to the bottom of my foot, I FREAK out. If I step on tape or a post-it or anything gets stuck on the bottom of my foot I seriously look like I'm having a seizure because I can NOT get it off fast enough. For some reason that drives me CRAZY.

5. When I was younger I took a nose-spray medicine called Beconase and it seriously messed me up. If anything even smells remotely like it I want to die. If someone uses it in the morning I can smell it like 6 hours later. I bought mascara that slightly smelled like it and I had to throw it away to buy a new one. I can't stand it.

6. When I was younger I was deathly afraid of fire drills and sleepovers. I thought fire drills meant that everyone I loved was burning up and I thought if I slept over at someone else's house that my family would die or something while I was gone. I know. I was crazy. I finally had to have counseling in like 4th grade. It makes me laugh now but I was terrified back then!!!

I tag.... Anyone who needs to kill some time and wants to talk about themselves!